Read the conversations with Kimmy, Christina, Raquel, Rose, Dell, and Todd.


Sorenson Impact Center Launches Video Course Series to Change the Status Quo in Entrepreneurship and Investing

The Sorenson Impact Center today announced the launch of Project DEEP (Developing Equitable Economies Program) – a multi-pronged initiative including a new series of free video courses designed to accelerate the growth of underrepresented entrepreneurs.


Unlocking Potential: Financing Women- and Women-of-Color-Owned Businesses in Utah

A new report presents research that underscores the need for targeted strategies and resources to enhance the effectiveness of financial institutions in catering to underserved entrepreneurs in Utah.


Recovery Requires Saving Businesses Owned By Women And People Of Color

Businesses owned by women and people of color represent the fastest growing sector of business in the nation. Even though they faced more closures during the last recession, from 2007 to 2011, businesses owned by women and people of color added 1.8 million jobs, while businesses owned by white men lost 800,000 jobs.

Project DEEP Aims to Unlock Equitable Wealth Creation

Project DEEP (Developing Equitable Economies Program) from the Sorenson Impact Center aims to disrupt the status quo in entrepreneurship and investing and unlock equitable wealth creation for underrepresented entrepreneurs and investors.

Measuring Project DEEP’s Impact

Throughout the creation and launch of Project DEEP, Sorenson Impact Institute designed and conducted data collection to understand progress towards the project’s overarching goal and outcomes.


2023 Report: Unlocking Potential: Financing Women-and Women-of-Color-Owned Businesses in Utah

A new report presents research that underscores the need for targeted strategies and resources to enhance the effectiveness of financial institutions in catering to underserved entrepreneurs in Utah.

2018 Report: The Landscape for Utah Businesses Owned by Women and People of Color

In 2018, the Sorenson Impact Center conducted a landscape analysis about the challenges and opportunities facing women and people of color who own businesses in Utah. This report built the foundation for Project DEEP, and its insights still guide much of the ecosystem work here in Utah.